Hello from the farm of Glastonbury Festival. The last two days (Friday and Saturday) we saw many great performances by Radiohead, U2, Pulp, and Coldplay. In some of these rain was torrential and in others weather was fine. Let's see all the details:
Friday, June 24
We heard and saw the Two Door Cinema Club on the Pyramid Stage. Very up lifting, quite reminiscent of Vampire Weekend. Third consecutive year playing at Glastonbury, had a lot of people and generally were very good.
Miles Kane then in John Peel's Stage. Gathered enough people and did a set with enough energy. Then run to the Other Stage to catch the Vaccines, which we'll see today as well. Ordinary things in the last 3 songs we listened. In the end the singer came to the world and sang with us, as in Ejekt Festival.

Park Stage and Radiohead then. The stage is smaller than Vibe stage of Terra Vibe (Greece). There arrived about 15,000 and many stayed off the stage. Unfortunately, the sound was not good. You might blame the fact that we were away...
Started with Lotus Flower. They played the entire last album and some extra tracks (). They did not sound good. The whole concert was like a rehearsal of Radiohead. Themselves said they were anxious and was the first time they were doing something like it. When they played old songs, then people began to enjoy it. The dance movements of Thom Yorke carried away the people.
I believe that if they played this setlist on the Pyramid Stage would not be good for the people. Certainly played less time than they would play in the Pyramid (1 hour and 15 minutes).

'Lotus Flower'
'15 Step '
' Morning Mr Magpie '
' Little By Little '
' All I Need '
' Separator '
'Give Up The Ghost'
'I Might Be Wrong'
'The Daily Mail'
'Street Spirit (Fade Out)'
Then run to the Pyramid Stage, which is 30 minutes away for the U2. The road was in the mud, since it rained constantly on Friday. We got there 5 minutes after Morrissey had finished.
A lot of rain and too many people. The Pyramid Stage fits about 120,000 people.
The rain affected everyone. Their appearance was like on the tour of Zoo TV. In "Where the streets have no name" the people were drifted away and from that time onwards the band won the game. After that they played all their classic hits.
But we had a jocular. During the first song, there were some protesters hoisted a banner that read as follows: " You pay taxes too ". That is because the band changed the company's headquarters from Ireland, to the Netherlands, so as to avoid taxes. Indeed, they are said to have planned throwing money away in the air, but the rain spoiled that. The banners, however, were brought down immediately, by the security guards obviously.

Generally, U2 played the songs perfectly. While in Athens, Bono lost the tone in some places, here played just right. However, one thing was missing. It was not the amazing concert. I believe that the weather was to blame. We're talking about torrential rain ...

'Even Better Than The Real Thing'
'The Fly'
'Mysterious Ways '
' Until The End Of The World '
' One '
' Where The Streets Have No Name '
' I Will Follow '
' I Still Haven't Found What I ' m Looking For '
' Stay (Faraway, So Close!) '
' Beautiful Day '
' Elevation '
' Get On Your Boots '
' Vertigo '
' Sunday Bloody Sunday '
' Bad '
' Pride (In The Name Of Love) '
' With Or Without You '
' Moment Of Surrender '
' Out Of Control '
Saturday, June 25
At 13:00 we heard the Twilight Singers on the Other Stage. Too few people, but the band had enough energy and mood. Then followed the Kills, who were very good. Beautiful sound, dirty, heavy. They gave it all! It was essentially the opposite of Horrors. The latter played at the John Peel Stage. They played a few new songs and enough old, but they were very mediocre or even bad.
Park Stage and Pulp then. Since morning had leaked the news that the Pulp would come. For the second day, more people came from that the scene could hold. They came at 19:45 with "Do you remember the first the time?". Jarvis Cocker asks: « Where you waiting for the Killers? Somebody told me .. Did you expect us to let you down by not being here? »
Jarvis was God! Incredible energy! Their songs were played flawlessly, and people had great response. Specially "Acrylic Afternoons" and of course the "Common People".
Before the last song, Jarvis told the audience that he remembered their last appearance at Glastonbury, when they replaced the Stone Roses and then played the "Common People" for the first time and was great.
Pulp setlist
'Do You Remember The First Time?'
'Acrylic Afternoons'
' Something Changed '
' Disco 2000 '
' Sorted For E's & Wizz '
' Like A Friend '
' Babies '
' Mis-Shapes'
'Live Bed Show'
'This Is Hardcore'
'Common People'

Then again walking to Pyramid Stage and Coldplay. At first, Chris Martin tells the public to be patient because they play many new songs, but hopes that will eventually become their favorite.
They were surprisingly good. The weather certainly was fine - nothing to do with the concert of U2. They started with a new song and after that the "Yellow", where people lift off. They had several effects, without exaggerating. In "Yellow" many butterflies were thrown and people took off.
Chris Martin was constantly jumping on stage. They were showing how much they loved the festival. It was the third time they were the headliners playing at the Pyramid Stage.
Generally very good and had won even the non-fans, as am I ... If there was something wrong was that they played several new songs. Also, I think that could change the order of the last two songs and finish with "Fix You".
Finally, during a song from their new, Chris Martin stopped in the middle, because he lost his tone and started from scratch. The people applauded, of course.

'Hurts Like Heaven'
'In My Place'
'Major Minus'
'The Scientist'
'Violet Hill'
'God Put A Smile Upon Your Face'
'Everything's Not Lost'
'Us Against The World '
' Politik '
' Viva La Vida '
' Charlie Brown '
' Life Is For Living '
' Clocks'
'What A Wonderful World'
'Fix You'
'Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall'
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