Mix Grill cooperates with EXIT Festival and offers to our readers many big gifts! In our first contest we are doing with EXIT Festival 2014, we offer you gifts, which cost more than 800 Euro!
Until Friday 7th of March at 10 pm, we play:
- 6 Tickets for all the days of EXIT Festival 2014 +
- 3 Official EXIT Packages (T-shirt + tote bag).
We will have three winners who will win the following:
- 2 Tickets for all the days of EXIT Festival 2014 +
- 1 Official EXIT Package (T-shirt + tote bag).

EXIT All-in-one package
This year, EXIT offers a package, which costs 139 Euro (you win 20%) and has the following:
- Tickets for all the days of EXIT Festival 2014,
- Transport from Belgrade Airport to Novi Sad,
- Accomodation in EXIT Camp (You can also find Hostels 2,3 and 4 stars)

You can find in the official site of EXIT hostels with 15 Euros per day!
Participate in the contest
In order to participate in our contest, you should do the 3 following steps:
1. Like our post for the contest in Mix Grill Facebook Page:
2. Like EXIT Festival Greece Facebook page:
3. Fill in your name, surname and e-mail in the following form:
Do you want more participations? You can play to our on-line trivial game GLADIATORS!
As many points you will win in GLADIATORS, so many participations you will have in our Contest!
Play GLADIATORS in Facebook here!

EXIT ADVENTURE 10-17 July 2014
EXIT 10-13 July, Petrovaradin Fortress /// Novi Sad, Serbia
SEA DANCE FESTIVAL 15-17 July, Jaz Beach /// Budva, Montenegro
One Adventure, Two Countries, Seven Days = EXIT Adventure
SEA DANCE Festival will be the sequel of EXIT Festival. It will be done for the first time in Jazz beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Montenegro!
In Sea Dance Festival you will hear the best djs of the whole world! Check below a picture of Jazz beach. Isn't it beautiful? You can start dreaming of drinking cocktails there...

Play Gladiators here or on Facebook !
The Rules of the game

- Each Duel completes in 8 rounds. If you have completed at least 5 innings, the winner wins bonus equal to the rounds played by 2, eg 8 X 2 = 16.
- Gladiator who will win one of the great gifts, has no right to claim some of the great gifts of the next month.
- You can play any games you want every day. However, if you establish cooperation with players, ie if for example you only play with specific Gladiators, we reserve the right to delete games in whichcertified cooperation from the log files of our database. The tests will be done on a daily basis.
- If it is determined that a player has stopped before completion, over 10% of the duel that has played a total of this month, he will loose 3,000 credits from the total rating. In cases where there is an interruption due to technical problem, please inform us at info [at] mixgrill.gr.
- The Championship may associate editors and administrators Mixgrill.gr, but their grades will not be calculated and certainly will not participate in the draw for the grand winner.
The draw will be done on Saturday 7th of March.
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