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Monsieur Minimal - Interview

Music is My Radar has expressed its admiration of Monsieur Minimal's debut album  and I was thrilled with Christos' prompt response so the interview was immediately arranged. It took place over the telephone, since Christos lives in Thessaloniki, and he was extremely friendly and warm. Other stuff was discussed, besides what follows, such as his musical preferences as a dj at New Year's Day party, where Careless Whisper, Snap etc. were played. Our next date with Monsieur Minimal is set at concert on March 27th, at Ianos bookstore.
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Music is My Radar has expressed its admiration of Monsieur Minimal's debut album  and I was thrilled with Christos' prompt response so the interview was immediately arranged. It took place over the telephone, since Christos lives in Thessaloniki, and he was extremely friendly and warm. Other stuff was discussed, besides what follows, such as his musical preferences as a dj at New Year's Day party, where Careless Whisper, Snap etc. were played. Our next date with Monsieur Minimal is set at concert on March 27th, at Ianos bookstore.
- When did you start working on music? Did you have another band before your appearence as Monsieur Minimal?

I started when I was 14 with a band in Giannitsa playing alternative rock, grunge and Nirvana ...
- When did your story as Monsieur Minimal begin?

It started when I got my first pc, first with plain electronica and then I started adding some guitars. The big hit was Coca Cola Soundwave.
- Christos, what exactly happened after Coca Cola Soundwave? Who got interested in your music?

At the beginning some local radio stations, mainly Republic Radio, and then there was The Sound of Everything label.
- Is there some story behind the name Monsieur Minimal? How did you start using it? 

Well, it just sounds good. Monsieur stands for my wish to be a gentleman and Minimal for wanting to be simple. In fact, sometimes I fail both, but this is what I hav in mind.
- What about the other members of the group, do they also play with other bands?

Echonomist is the head of Info and he has some productions and collaborations with foreign companies, as well as with Klik Records. Spinnet has a band of his own, which is more experimental. Both are very good at computer programming.
- Tell us a bit about your collaboration with Flying Lillys.
Lilis brothers took the first step with Sound of Everything label and  City Campers collection. We met, hung out, we found that we had common views on what should be released and they opened the way to The Sound of Everything. Afterwards they asked me if they could remix two tracks. I really liked their remixes, especially on Soul. Some also liked them, but others suggested I shouldn't have included them, as they sound really different.
- What music did you use to listen to before your first recordings? You said something about grunge before...

In adolescence I listened to nothing but Grunge. After opening my horizons, I also liked guitar pop, like Belle and Sebastian, later I loved Jay Jay Johanson. I had many influences and generally I watched new music coming out, I really tried to have my ears open and get the best there was. The change in me was made by  Moby's  Play. When I listened to it, I thought what I used to listen to and think of was good, but this is a way I can really make them come true. It was a very album and he was all by himself... How is anyone supposed to make music if he has not listened to a lot of things first? You cannot be the same all along.
- What have you recently listened to and liked? Any Greek bands;

I like Antony and the Johnsons -respect!- and some specific things: 2-3 songs from Portishead last album, which I did not like as a total, Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon, Last Shadow Puppets and Greek bands like Abbie Gale with their Love Song, Monika's Over the Hill and Babe, the album by Pop Eye, Mary and the Boy and You you you. All these I actually envy and I wish I had made something similar.
- Do you think there actually is a Greek scene? Is anything well-structured coming out? 

Fuck well-structured. What is important, is for good music to come out. Nothing well-structured came out in the past either, apart from some efforts by Xylina Spathia and Trypes ... And that was certainly not structured either, just two bands playing really cool music. Of course shitty stuff also comes out nowadays ...
- Where do you like to perform? In small clubs or in large open spaces;

Until now I am used to playing in small places as I just show with a laptop and a guitar. I don't know what people in a large space would think of that. In the future, as I will be framed by other musicians and especially when we become a full band, I will also play in larger places. Generally I try to get positive energy from people and give out my best. Sometimes I think I'm like a melting ice cream on stage, I give everything I can, everything I got...
- In an interview you said this album was one of your childhood dreams. How does it feel seeing the realization of your dream involves quite a large audience;

There is no greater satisfaction. This is how I had imagined it. When dreaming, you dream grandiose. If you see me, I have this constant smile!
- You use English lyrics, have you thought about writing something in Greek?

 Yes. I had some completely spontaneous ideas in Greek. I do not have any complex so to reject them. I was born in Greece and speak Greek, so I can also express myself in Greek lyrics. But the English language moves me more, it sounds better, makes prettier melodies. Greek language on the other hand is very difficult. So out of the 50 songs I have written only 4-5 are in Greek, but I will have a project in Greek.
- Will there be an album both in Greek and in English? 

No, it will just be 4-5 tracks in Greek. 
- I heard there was a very good acceptance of Lollipop in blogs abroad. It was on their lists for 2008. Do you have any plans on playing abroad? 

If that happens, I will be really thrilled! We do have plans we are trying to arrange something, the guys from my company and me. When something more precise comes along, I'll let you know for sure!
- Do you have any plans for a new project soon?

No, I really want to sit still and enjoy. This album was the result of 7-8 years of work and I gave all I had to it, so now I am completely empty. I need to add up a lot of stuff, If what I do next is not better, maybe it will just be different. I constantly write and edit stuff, though. More time will also pass for more people to take the album in.
- How can your morning job be combined with your rehearsals,  the album promotion, travelling, lives and tours?

It is very difficult for me to combine them and I need to be calm and balanced enough to do that. But the fact that I made an album does not mean that I can quit the job that earns me a living. I plan to move to Athens in September and then I will quit my morning job. If I get to live only on music that will be the best for me... Otherwise I have no problem to keep combining them.

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Monsieur Minimal from the debut album "Lollipop"

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