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Music is my radar - The 50 top films of the zeros

Continuing the tribute Take me out to the zeros I will deal with the best films I watched the last decade. At the top of my preferences you can find the masterpiece by David Lynch entitled Mulholland drive .
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 From the beginning of 2009 Music is my radar, as well as That's entertainment , have been publishing lists with ourt personal tops for each year of the zeros. Starting today, and until early December I will postd the aggregated lists of the tops from the decade that ends in 54 days!

To begin with, I shall present the top films of the last 10 years in my personal opinion, and refer to some details of the top 10 ranking, in order to refresh our memory.

The film of the decade is the masterpiece by David Lynch which tells the story of the dreamy, erotic adventures of the blonde Naomi Watts (Betty) and the dusky Laura Elen Harring (Rita) in Mulholland drive with the background music by Angelo Badalamenti .

The curious case of Benjamin Button is the transfer of the inventive film novel published in 1920, which recounts the unusual course of the life of Benjamin Button that starts in 1918 and reaches to the 21st century, directed by David Fincher. Amazing acting by Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett .

Match Point is a different drama directed by Woody Allen, far from the comedies he was used to making before. The film takes place in the rich London and tells the life and love triangle developed between the leading figures. The love scenes between Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (Chris) and Scarlett Johannson (Nola Rice) have remained in our memory!

American Beauty came to Athens cinemas in the first days of 2000, although it had been produced in 1999. It is the first Hollywood project by the theater director Sam Mendes and it talks about the desire of the father of a seemingly quiet and prominent family for his daughter's classmate, through which he seeks his lost youth. The narrator of his last days in the film is the leadimhg actor Kevin Spacey himself. The acting by Annette Bening and Mena Suvari exceptional.

Brokeback mountain is a controversial gay western which describes the special relationship between Ennis (by the late Heath Ledger ) and Jack ( Jake Gyllanhaal ) from 1963 to 1983, directed by Ang Lee.

Volver is the best one from a series of great films we watched in the zeros, by the great Spanish director Pedro Almodovar . It is a satire of the Spanish society through the clever, witty humor of this great director, starring Penelope Cruz at her best part.

One of the most important dramatic creations of recent years was the The Hours . It narrates three stories, of three different women at different times. The stories revolve around the novel Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Wolf , and the key roles are kept by Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman and Meryl Streep .

Melquiades Estrada died once, but was buried three times!He had to rest somewhere in the mountains of Mexico and not in the hostile territory of the United States. That was the promise of his friend, Cattle Egret, Pete Perkins. A film with some of the most powerful scenes in the recent years was Los tres entierros de melquiades Estrada directed by Tommy Lee Jones .

No country for old men is the best film by the Coen brothers, who returned to their crime - drama - thriller idiom, which they introduced. In the leading roles we find Tommy Lee Jones and Javier Bardem .

Talk to her is another top dramatic creation  by Pedro Almodovar that deals with the friendship between two men under various dramatic situations.

Below you can find my personal top 50 films of the last 10 years:

1. Mulholland drive 2001
2. The curious case of Benjamin Button 2008
3. Match point 2005
4. American beauty 1999 
5. Brokeback mountain 2005
6. Volver 2006
7. The hours  2002
8. Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (Los tres entierros de melquiades
Estrada) 2005
9. No country for old men 2007
10. Talk to her 2002

11. Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others) 2006
12. La mala education (Bad Education) 2004
13. Goodbye Lenin! 2003
14. The 25th hour 2003
15. Amelie 2001
16. Los amantes del circulo polar (Lovers of the Arctic Circle) 1998 
17. La stanga del moglio (The room of my son) 2001
18. It's all about love 2003
19. Sex and Lucia 2002
20. Los Abrazos rotos 2009
21. Slumdog Millionaire 2009
22. La vie en rose 2007
23. Milk 2009
24. Broken flowers 2005
25 . Vicky Cristina Barcelona 2008
26. Walk the line 2006 
27. The edge of heaven 2008
28. Inland empire 2007
29. 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days 2007
30. Walk on water 2005
31. Tim Burton's corpse bride 2005
32. Big fish 2004
33. Swimming pool 2004
34 . The Constant Gardener 2005
35. Frida 2003
36. Fight Club 2000
37. Virgin Suicides 2000
38 . Mr. Ripley 2000
39. Touch of Spice 2003
40. Kinsey 2005 
41. Dogville 2003
42. La pianiste 2001
43. Hallam Foe 2007
44. Little miss sunshine 2007
45. The arc 2005
46. Three monkeys 2009
47. The paradise in the West 2009
48. Gran Torino 2009
49. Le scaphandre et le papillon (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly) 2007
50. Heaven 2002

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