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U2 + Rose Bowl + Youtube= DVD

Strength in unity from June on DVD and Blu-ray.

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One of the top groups allied with one of the most popular sites and the result attracted nearly 10 million viewers in the 7 continents on Earth.

When U2 appeared in Rose Bowl a few months ago as part of their tour U2360°, at the same time they gave the opportunity to their fans to watch the concert live on youtube. This was the first time an entire concert was simultaneously broadcasted on the Internet. That night at the Rose Bowl had gathered 97000 spectators while, in only the first week, 10 million Internet users watched the show (or extracts from it) in the U2 Channel on youtube.

Directed by Tom Krueger and with 27 cameras to cover the evening, the concert comes in Blu-ray and DVD next June. Both versions will include many extras. More information on the ordering and release dates can be found here .

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