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Studying Bob Dylan

Boston University decided to study the music course of Bob Dylan.
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A few days before his visit to Athens, his musical career is the subject of study at Boston University .

The seminars already taking place in the American city, students trying to "decipher" the mechanisms and the art of poetry of Bob Dylan's songs.

The songs, that we will have the opportunity to enjoy in a unique concert at Terra Vibe Park in May 29, are becoming a popular subject of study and research for students of anthropology and Sociology .

These courses started in 2009, are very popular and students from every university in America visit Boston to take part in the seminars.

Once said with humility:" ... instead of giving me everything they give me, they could do something very simple. Decode my verses. Then they would know everything about me ».

To be remembered that the pre-sale of tickets for the Athens concert still goes on!

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