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Bonobo in July in Kytaro

For Bonobo there's no need for discription... He comes in Kytaro on June 2 with a full band this time to present...
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For Bonobo there's no need for discription... He comes in Kytaro on June 2 with a full band this time to present his fourth consecutive album "Black Sands", an album where the British mingles with unique mastery Jazz with hip hop.

"Black Sands" will be released on March 29 and contains 12 tracks. Listen in the official site of Bonobo three songs from the new album (Eyesdown, The Keeper, We could forever) and if you give your name and e-mail you will receive a remix of Warrior One on "Eyesdown". H
owever, all three pieces are pretty interesting...

With him "Cayetano Soundsystem Live feat.Dj Booker" from Etage Noir.