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Rammstein live @ Terra Vibe

Fires, German flag, bathtub, the boat and thousands of people who were at Terra Vibe for Rammstein.
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Any fan of Rammstein who respects him/herself having already purchased a ticket for the live on Monday,had done a search on the internet to know more - less what he/she was about to see at the first visit to Greece by the German band.

He/She also learned, unless already knew, what would the role of the support group be,that one of the Combichrist .

And then came the day of the concert, having often heard his/her favorite songs, started his/her small trip to Malakasa. The ticket says show time 9:30 ...

Photos: Christina Argyris ( YouTube , Facebook)

7.30. We arrive at the Terra Vibe and already there is enough people. The omens are with us.

7.40. The world begins to thicken and the first discussions compare turnout of people with that of Metallica in 2007. The stage is empty, but who cares. Beer is cold.

8.30. The two set of drums and keys are starting to provide an electro industrial storm in space, and Combichrist have already gone up on stage to accomplish with their first song already make most of the people move at their own pace. Though the people are starting heating up and as only 20 minutes have passed the group waved us good night to our great disappointment. Anyone who does not know them, however it is advisable to do a search onthe web...

9.10. A huge black cloth covering the entire stage and Rammstein's ammunition appear from behind. Battle is expected to begin.

9.45. still nothing


The huge German flag covering the entire scene with a delay of half an hour the Rammlied provides the first shot in what follows. Six tracks from their latest album "Liebe ist für alle da", four from "Mutter" and five more others. Among these, Du Hast and Du Riechst so Gut while striking was the absence of Engel.

The fires could not be missing from the show with the most spectacular moments Feuer Frei where the band with special masks expiring fire, Benzin where Till burned with the flamethrower an alleged supporter that took the stage and "Ich Tu Dir Weh" where Till pouring from the top hot lava in a steel tub where he had previously put Christian and the last getting out alive but with a solis of mirror and a tendency to move in a corridor, as he played keyboards for the rest of the concert. It is worth mentioning the "ejaculate"  of foam of the singer from a big cannon in part Pussy as well as the well known-but less from other concerts- Christian walking with the boat  moved up in the hands of the people.

Despite the overproduction of laser fire and the accompanying sounds of Rammstein world remained partly numb perhaps because of the zero interaction with the band, but the non-participation in the song as very few people knew the lyrics by heart (and this is a hard thing in German). Nevertheless, the Sonne, Du Riechst so Gut and Du Hast felt that Rammstein were playing.

11.30. One and a half hours with encore with the Germans and they waved us good night. Feelings mixed. We all try to understand if it was worth waiting or something mediocre. The truth is I think somewhere in the middle. It was a less professional look than what we have seen in Volkerball and Live aus Berlin. A concert with intensity but without a pulse, but a show with spectacular effects and high temperature. Anyone who went to listen and cry out for Rammstein left unsatisfied, but anyone who went to see Rammstein, I think, had a good time.

time 00.00 Good night.

Setlist :

B *******
Waidmanns Heil
Keine Lust
Feuer Frei
Wiener Blut
Fruhling In Paris
Ich Tu Dir Weh
Du Riechst So Gut
Links 2,3,4
Du Hast

Ich Will

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