Wednesday afternoon, May 11, at 20:00. We are out of the Fuzz and waiting to get in to witness, as you will read below, an awesome live. People were relatively few(imagine that the upstairs part did not open), but we were comfortable enough downstairs and there was no problem watching the concert from any part of Fuzz. There may, however, were fewer people there but we knew what we wanted to hear and see.
The concert was opened at around 20:40 by the Crow7. Who are these gentlemen you will ask. Good question! I didn't know them either! But what I saw and heard left me satisfied enough, like it did to a large enough piece of the people if not to all. The Crow7 (four-members band from Germany) was a revelation. Beautiful music, moving in a power / heavy rhythms, and a phase of early Europe (listen to the first record of Europe and you'll understand) with lots of energy and crazy mood.
This was the mood that the Crow7 managed to share with the people. Result; we spent an hour very pleasantly, listening to beautiful pieces, making fun (throwing t-shirts of the band in the public, even until g-strings with their logo on!) And finally the second guitarist and bassist of Haggard came to do a bit of headbanging with them on stage. All jokes aside, you should listen to them. They have two releases to their credit (2006 The Picture, 2010 Light in my dungeon).
21:45 ; the setup of the stage to receive the 12-member orchestra of Haggard. I speak of orchestra, not just of a band because it consists of 2 guitars, 1 bass, percussion, piano - keys, 3 violins, 1 cello, 1 flute, 1 oboe and a soprano. I think you arrive! The time is around 22:00 and a each and every member of the orchestra comes to take his/her place on stage, with the last Asis Nasseri guitarist / vocalist and brain of Haggard. Having being applauded strongly, Asis told us that it would take a while for everyone to check out each separate channel of sound and would be ready for the concert.
So it happened. "In the King's Hall", and the trip to the worlds of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Lord of the Rings and legends began.
The Haggard, gave recital and not just one live performance. Whenever Fiffi Fuhrmann had a voice solo there was absolute silence and finally strong applause. The tracks we heard were all one by one flawlessly executed. Awesome movement of band onstage mainly from Fiffi Fuhrmann and Claudio (guitar).
Everything was perfect, magnificent, ideal. And here comes the first surprise of the evening. And then started the execution of the "Herr Mannelig" (interpreted only by Sussane) with the entire orchestra on stage apart from the bass and two guitars. The three of them came down and played in public! They were down with us (Claudio was next to me). PURE PLEASURE!
Great songs as Eppur Si Muove, Per Aspera Ad Astra, Heavenly Damnation, The Final Victory (to sing with them), In A Fullmoon Procession, Tales Of Ithiria, The Sleeping Child, Upon Fallen Autumn Leaves, The Day As Heaven Wept, Origin Of A Crystal Soul, Awakening The Centuries, In A Pale Moon's Shadow honored. And everyone from the audience being full of what we heard and saw. At the end of Final Victory they played us the introduction of South Of Heaven of the ''gods'' Slayer.
Before the encore, Asis said that they are prepared to enter the studio to record their new cd this time with themes from the tales of the Grimm Brothers and are thinking of calling it simply Grimm. I really can not wait to hear it.
Turning again to the concert, Asis came out with a bouquet of roses and called one by one, every member of the band to present them as he offered each one a rose. He thanked Crow7 and all members of the mission (technicians, sound engineers, etc.). We listened to: Lost (Robin's Song), The Observer.
It's been almost two and a half hours! Two and a half hours of incredible music. The Haggard all together by bowing deeply thanked us and said goodbye. They were warmly applauded. Asis even said that anyone who wants to can stay to get autographs and mingle with the band members.
I haven't made any reference to the issue of sound. The sound was pretty good to very good. But think about such a band to play some time in our country at a summer open theater? Or for example the castle of Ioannina?. It was magic. Anyway. I guess I'm asking a lot.
Look forward to their new job and of course to see them again in our part of the world.
Stay Heavy!
The concert was opened at around 20:40 by the Crow7. Who are these gentlemen you will ask. Good question! I didn't know them either! But what I saw and heard left me satisfied enough, like it did to a large enough piece of the people if not to all. The Crow7 (four-members band from Germany) was a revelation. Beautiful music, moving in a power / heavy rhythms, and a phase of early Europe (listen to the first record of Europe and you'll understand) with lots of energy and crazy mood.
This was the mood that the Crow7 managed to share with the people. Result; we spent an hour very pleasantly, listening to beautiful pieces, making fun (throwing t-shirts of the band in the public, even until g-strings with their logo on!) And finally the second guitarist and bassist of Haggard came to do a bit of headbanging with them on stage. All jokes aside, you should listen to them. They have two releases to their credit (2006 The Picture, 2010 Light in my dungeon).

So it happened. "In the King's Hall", and the trip to the worlds of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Lord of the Rings and legends began.
The Haggard, gave recital and not just one live performance. Whenever Fiffi Fuhrmann had a voice solo there was absolute silence and finally strong applause. The tracks we heard were all one by one flawlessly executed. Awesome movement of band onstage mainly from Fiffi Fuhrmann and Claudio (guitar).
Everything was perfect, magnificent, ideal. And here comes the first surprise of the evening. And then started the execution of the "Herr Mannelig" (interpreted only by Sussane) with the entire orchestra on stage apart from the bass and two guitars. The three of them came down and played in public! They were down with us (Claudio was next to me). PURE PLEASURE!
Great songs as Eppur Si Muove, Per Aspera Ad Astra, Heavenly Damnation, The Final Victory (to sing with them), In A Fullmoon Procession, Tales Of Ithiria, The Sleeping Child, Upon Fallen Autumn Leaves, The Day As Heaven Wept, Origin Of A Crystal Soul, Awakening The Centuries, In A Pale Moon's Shadow honored. And everyone from the audience being full of what we heard and saw. At the end of Final Victory they played us the introduction of South Of Heaven of the ''gods'' Slayer.
Before the encore, Asis said that they are prepared to enter the studio to record their new cd this time with themes from the tales of the Grimm Brothers and are thinking of calling it simply Grimm. I really can not wait to hear it.
Turning again to the concert, Asis came out with a bouquet of roses and called one by one, every member of the band to present them as he offered each one a rose. He thanked Crow7 and all members of the mission (technicians, sound engineers, etc.). We listened to: Lost (Robin's Song), The Observer.
It's been almost two and a half hours! Two and a half hours of incredible music. The Haggard all together by bowing deeply thanked us and said goodbye. They were warmly applauded. Asis even said that anyone who wants to can stay to get autographs and mingle with the band members.
I haven't made any reference to the issue of sound. The sound was pretty good to very good. But think about such a band to play some time in our country at a summer open theater? Or for example the castle of Ioannina?. It was magic. Anyway. I guess I'm asking a lot.
Look forward to their new job and of course to see them again in our part of the world.
Stay Heavy!