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Listen to the new song by Coldplay: Paradise

A little while ago, Coldplay uploaded their new single "Paradise", which will be in the album with the strange name " Mylo Xyloto " (released on October 24).
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A little while ago, Coldplay uploaded their new single "Paradise", which will be in the album with the strange name " Mylo Xyloto " (released on October 24).

This is the second single after the upbeat "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall". I would not call it as much a dancing track as Every Teardrop, but to be honest, I like it more than that...

The tracklisting of the album is as follows:

Hurts Like Heaven
Charlie Brown
Us Against The World
Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
Major Minus
Princess Of China
Up In Flames
A Hopeful Transmission
Don't Let It Break Your Heart
Up With The Birds

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