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M Lanegan

Collaberation of UNKLE and Mark Lanegan

UNKLE will work with Mark Lanegan in their new album 'Where Did The Night Fall'.
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MLanegan Mark Lanegan has been sought-after for collaborations in recent years  and especially in Great Britain. So after last year's collaboration with Soulsavers in the very good 'Broken', this year it's UNKLE's turn to borrow the tremendous voice.

The album, called 'Where Did The Night Fall', will be a little more electronic than the last one 'End Titles ... Stories for Film' and will be released in May.

Besides Mark Lanegan the album will involve Californians Sleepy Sun and Autolux, from San Francisco and Los Angeles respectively.

James Lavelle says he's a big fan of Lanegan and had UNKLE tried to work with him in the past and in the album of 2007 'War Stories' but the effort did not succeed for various reasons:

"For me, it is a personal dream come true. He's one of my favourite singers ever and to work with him was just amazing."



Soulsavers(ft. Mark Lanegan) - Revival

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