My love for Radiohead is known. Nevertheless, in their every work I try to be objective, even if I do not usually get by.
For 5 days, the group made the world turn their heads over to them. The unexpected announcement of the release of their new album, the rumors and the release of the digital version one day earlier created a scene of anticipation, which we rarely see lately. Besides, multiple releases may offer us abundant music, but deprive us of the magic of anticipation of the hearing.
For several days we heard many times the new record of Radiohead.
- Is "The King of Limbs" any good? Did you like it?
- Yes, I liked it. It can be very different from anything they have done, yet it is remarkable. Some might say that they experiment to experiment. I think to some extent they are developing their music and discover new sonic forms. Not reinventing the wheel, of course, but still "fresh" in music suggestions. Once more the group is proposing new things without completing what they want to say. The reason is the same as in previous times; the anticipation for their next step.

- I would not say that. Listen to the album from the beginning to end and try to press delete on the name "Radiohead" on the record. Say is the new Caribou. Wouldn't you like it?
- Eighth album, eight songs. Are they enough?
- And of course, they are just few as small is the total length of the album (37:24). But what if things in music are driven there? Radiohead do not currently belong to any record company. Indeed in an earlier interview, Thom Yorke has advised new bands to create their own music and not to sign contracts with record companies. Of course, they cooperate with XL Recordings for placing the record in physical form (CD, vinyl), but up to there. Is it the future of music where creators release on their own, small, well bound albums rather than the double vinyl of the 90s, for example?
- The record has nothing to do with "OK Computer", the "The Bends". Where is the guitar? The solo? As if you hear another band ...
- It is. The guitar does not have leading role and its position is taken by the keyboards, drums and bass. The voice of "Tom" certainly remains a dominant and characteristic element of the band. However, for this reason that Radiohead remain in fashion, even though they count 20 years around. If you see the reviews of the 90s you will see that many consider Radiohead to be one of the bands of the Nineties. Similarly, in the Zeros, the British are in the bands that featured the sound of the decade. The 90s was OK Computer, in the 00s Kid A. Is it a coincidence?

- What are the main features of the record for you?
- First, we are dealing with a well structured album. The electro forms prevail over the rock. In the songs of the album there is no chorus in the form we are used to generally in rock n 'roll songs. Nevertheless, in the "TKOL" there are still some key elements of Radiohead's records:
( 01) Melodies . If anything else, the five of them have talent to create beautiful melodies. In "The King of Limbs" the melody is offered mostly by the voice of Thom Yorke and less by the guitar of Jonny Greenwood. The use of additional instruments in songs like Bloom, the Separator and Give up the Ghost just bring out the melody, without being the key players.
(02) The Codex . In The Bends was Fake Plastic Trees and Street Spirit. In the OK Computer was Exit Music, in Kid A it was How to disappear completely, In Rainbows it was the Nude. In most of the albums the band there is a melancholic, spacy, emotional piece.

- Yes, it is a nice song. It is in the style of the late "Hearing Damage" of Thom Yorke. Rhythmic, fast, continuous flow, with no chorus or solo. For years, I think, they have no interest in creating songs that are played on the radio.
- Is there a link to the past or are they forgetting the former musical life of Radiohead?
- I would say that there is little relation to the era of 90s. The band has changed considerably in sound. Of course, "Little by little" is probably the bridge to the past. This is a song that could be on "The Bends" or "OK Computer". Indeed, the only song in which we hear a little more guitar.
- Weak moment?
- The Feral. It could be last year's record of Caribou or Flying Lotus. It has very little of Radiohead ...
- In Rainbows or The King of Limbs?
- I think I prefer more "In Rainbows", without any great distance to the "King of Limbs".
- "TKOL" in a few words.

1. " Bloom ": The "National Anthem" of "TKOL". Rhythmic, fast, melodic, experimental, bombastic using multiple instruments. Very good start, and one of the top songs of the album!
2. " Morning Mr Magpie ": electro fusion of form that is widely used in the record and the style that Radiohead had in the Zeros.
3. " Little by Little ": Back in the 90s.
4. " Feral ": Fast, electronic track with no melody and characteristics of Radiohead.
5. " Lotus Flower ": Strong single with good rhythm and melody. Along with the "Separator" and "Bloom", it has a chance to be played on the radio.
6. " Codex ": Exit Music, Nude, How to disappear completely ...
7. " Give Up the Ghost ": flirting with folk and is the second quiet moment of the record. Nice finish.
8. " Separator ": From the highlights of the album. Rhythmic, melodic, with continuous changes and "Wake me up" hanging in you ...
- Finally, what feeling "The King of Limbs" left you? what did the band win from that album?
- I think the main objective they try to succeed every time is to always leave room for evolution - mutation of their music. It's like playing a game: They build a house and they do not paint all the rooms, but always leave a gap ... They made the "OK Computer" and then immediately created the "Kid A", which not only did not keep the achievements, but hit new doors. The "TKOL" has nothing to do with "In Rainbows", which for many was the top album of 2007. They might enjoy the alterations in music. Isn't what their songs are doing these past years? Isn't this the point of "Bloom", the "Lotus Flower", the "Separator"?
A trip with constant alterations ...
Listen to the whole "The King of Limbs" below:
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