Όπως μπορείτε να διαβάσετε στην παρακάτω επιστολή, ο Dave, ο Andy και ο Martin λένε ότι έκαναν τα πάντα για να γίνουν οι συναυλίες που ακυρώθηκαν σε άλλη ημερομηνία. Όμως, η περιοδεία τους είναι ήδη γεμάτη και οι ακυρωθείσες συναυλίες θα γινόντουσαν σε ανοιχτούς χώρους, με αποτέλεσμα να μην μπορούν να αναπληρωθούν το χειμώνα. Έχουν ένα δίκιο σε αυτό για να είμαστε ειλικρινείς...
Διαβάστε παρακάτω αυτούσια την επιστολή του συγκροτήματος :
To all our fans who held tickets to the recently cancelled shows,
We want to express our deep and heartfelt apology for having to cancel these shows and want to also provide a bit of explanation for why we are not able to replay these dates. We do not take cancelling shows lightly and understand your disappointment and frustration with the cancellations - we are disappointed as well.
After our successful Eastern and Southern European shows in 2006, we were excited to return to some of our favorite cities and to meet our devoted fans in new cities where we had never played. Once we realized we would not be able play the dates as originally scheduled, we started looking at all possible rescheduling options with our manager and booking agent. The delays in getting information to all of you during this period were due to our strong desire to fully explore all options, and the logistical difficulties of rescheduling shows on a tour of this size. All of this was made more difficult by the fact that the majority of the shows we were unable to play were stadiums, which meant that we could only replay the dates during the summer. As many of you are aware, we had already scheduled dates in North and South America following our current European tour, so our summer schedule is completely full. Unfortunately, in the end, we were only able to reschedule our missed shows that were to be played in indoor venues, as we could postpone these until our winter European tour leg. Although we were unable to reschedule the shows in Athens, Istanbul, Bucharest, Sofia, Belgrade, Warsaw, Riga and Vilnius, we will make it our priority to come back to these cities in the near future.
Again, we want to say thank you for your patience, understanding and support during this period. We apologize sincerely for not being able to perform for you as originally planned.
-Martin, Andy and Dave
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