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Yes it is time to talk about the system . No, nothing wild, just a first acquaintance with the beast. And the reason is the new film by Michael Man: Public Enemies .
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Yes it is time to talk about the system . No, nothing wild, just a first acquaintance with the beast. And the reason is the new film by Michael Man: Public Enemies .

The film refers to the "career" of one of the most famous criminals who went against the system: John Dillinger . The guy robbed banks, a gentleman thief , who wanted only to hurt the system. And he  was good at escaping , even from prison. With the recent prison break of  Paleokostas , it was hard not to notice. Definitely a film against the system. If you add the amazing director , and the actor Johnny Depp ,we're talking really against it .

I don't want to talk about politicians . I'm not good with police reports. I'll stick to the movies. Depp is an actror who always gave a colorful performance, who liked the difficult and unconventional movies . Who is always on the edge of the system , and whose life created some noise. Since his first appearance at 21 Jump Street (how did I remember that?),the system tried to make him the movie star who would attract the public and would not create problems . And he always chose the strange and interesting jobs. Okay, lately he did some work for which only payment was important (The Astronauts Wife). Nevertheless remains an example of  unabsorbed (by the system) and respected person.

And the other one, the Mann , google him and you will see that he has done very few films, but certainly noticeable . Almost in all , he was producer and screenwriter and has directed masterpieces from the 80s onwards. The 90s was his best decade with: Last of the Mohicans, Heat and Insider. Even in Collateral he managed to make Tom Cruise perform (well) . He makes films only if he can control them (for the elders the same thing happened with the series he created ,the legendary Miami Vice). Of course the system approached him , but he didn't accept it.

His case is reminiscent of other known filmmakers who were trying to control their films to avoid corruption by the system . Just remember  names like Stanley Kubrick , Akira Kurosawa , or the more commercial  James Cameron . Don't you get it? It's simple, they are perfectionist directors , who having seen what the system can do  , make films only if they can control them. They make few movies, and usually successful, which makes them so desired by the system.

Simmilar conclusions can be made for actors like Depp (few of them) that try something different and meaningful. Unfortunately many of them are absorbed by the system. But the few left are memorable . Many years have passed and  we still remember Steve McQueen , James Dean , we respect Anthony Hopkins or Sean Connery . I am not saying anything about younger ones , because I'l wait to see what they'l do in the future.

Is it surprising, then, that we remember the people who go against the system ? Do they remind us that it's possible to resist? Just remember that Benicio Del Toro plays Che Guevara in Che. Isn't that remarkable. That is why I've writen the first new nagging in our new environment as tribute to rebels (at least in movies).

For the quiz : Of course the film that Antonio Banderas sings the Cancion Del Mariachi is Desperado of the certainly interesting Robert Rodriguez.

The new quiz: What is the name of the most famous song referred to Che Guevara (no, not his name)?

Antonio Banderas - Cancion del Mariachi

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