Once upon a time, shortly after the time of the dinosaurs (after the 70's) dominated the video with the VHS cassettes or tapes. Like vinyl for music it helped in mass production and wide film distribution, but had the same problems with it: Took too much space, was destroyed easily, the cost of construction was high. Seeing the change in music from vinyl in CD , made the film producers jealous and seeking similar changes.
The first option was to deal with the means that already existed: the CD . Unfortunately it wasn't enough. The image processing (apart from more time and energy) needs (much) more room . CD with mpeg -1 encoding was insufficient, it allowed only a few minutes of film (and mediocre quality). They had to develope something better (with similar properties to CD ) and better coding. The response was due to two developments: the DVD and mpeg-2 . Thanks to new technology the size of information could be compressed 7 times more than a CD and players were able to read more details.
The difference is like writing a letter from this A to this A size. That produced the DVD which could be manufactured to be written in levels (layers) even from both sides for more space (as the cost rose). Thus changed the 700MB CD in a 4,5 GB (or 4500 MB ) single layer DVD or 8,5 GB dual layer DVD (the upper limit is 17 GB of the two sided dual layer DVD ). But that was a part of the equation.
The other was mpeg-2 encoding which gave further compression of the image (with the loss of some information) in less space for image size 720x576 like we see in the movies (compared with smaller 640x480 like in television). With the two technologies together it became possible to fit the film to a disk (with the same dimension the CD ) and see the film in good detail. Naturally soon like the CD, began the copying of DVDs which led the industry in search of another product to offer.
The novelty this time was the movies and series (HDTV) at high resolution meaning analysis 720p (1280 x 720) , 1080i, 1080p (1920 x 1080 with the best p , and needless to say that the movie film "carries" more analysis from the HD) and in the future 2160p (3840 x 2160). These resolutions provide much more image detail and in comparison, if printed a frame is respectively 3, 6.75 and in the future 27 times the size of frame of our simple-TV . The details are better seen in larger televisions (above
The DVD is insufficient (barely contains today's films) so they needed both greater disk size and better coding to reduce the space. For a while we did not know who would win : the smaller but with great support and cheaper HD-DVD (15-30GB) or bigger but more expensive technology of the BD (or Blu-ray Disc 25-50GB) but support from Sony mainly with PS3 helped the BD win. As for coding the mpeg-4 (h.264, otherwise known as divx) helped to fit the movies comfortably in the new disk (although the dvd space is sufficient for 2 hours video mpeg -2 high definition).
Ofcourse the disks are also used for storage (5 years ago the entire hard disk of the computer was as big as BD) and influence music. Thus the entire discography of an artist in mp3 can fit on a DVD . Record companies use it for showing parts of video concerts, documentaries, music videos and interviews. Simmilarly we will use the BD when writers and the disks cheapen. Also, I am sure that there will be private applications such as video recording at high definition (already similar video-cameras are starting to appear) and the BD will prevail in games and computers or consoles beyond the PS3 where its the standard. And consumer mania will continue to dominate and pushing us to greater resolution and televisions (already circulated the next level of coding called mkv or matrouska ).
For the quiz: Of course it was Nicole Scherzinger of Pussycat Dolls ..... Sorry what was i saying (the reference to this band makes me forget my name)? Oh, yeah bravo Dimi .
The Pussycat Dolls-Whatcha Think About That (LEONARDO KALLS NERVOUS VIDEO REMIX)