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'Quarantine The Past: The Best Of Pavement'

'Quarantine The Past: The Best Of Pavement'  is the title of the collection that will be released in response to the reconnection of Pavement.
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exofyllopavement 'Quarantine The Past: The Best Of Pavement'  is the title of the collection that will be released in response to the reconnection of Pavement. The album will come out in the U.S. on the 9th of March from Matador of course, a day earlier in Europe by Domino.

The collection will contain 23 remastered tracks of Pavement covering the entire career from 1989 to 1999 and although it will not contain any new or any old unreleased songs according to the statement by Matador «... surely goes deeper than the hits."

To make the waiting more fun, the company, instead of announcing the tracklist of 'Quarantine The Past: The Best Of Pavement', holds an international contest Guess The Track Listing Contest with first prize a trip to New York, all paid for, to see the band at Central Park Summerstage on Tuesday, September 21, 2010. To win you have to guess which are the 22 of the 23 songs on the album since the first piece of the collection is 'Gold Soundz' from 'Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain'.

Clicking on the link here you can go to the Matador's website  and take part in the contest, read more information like what the other prizes are, and download 'Gold Soundz' as a first taste.

The same day with the release of 'Quarantine The Past: The Best Of Pavement' Matador will re-release entire albums of the group -- and these include 'Slanted and Enchanted'  (1992), 'Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain' (1994), 'Wowee Zowee' (1995), 'Brighten the Corners' (1997), ' Terror Twilight  ' (1999) and  the ' Watery, Domestic ' EP (1992) in low price vinyls.

As if all this were not enough, the company promises that the deluxe version of 'Terror Twilight' will be released in autumn as it has done for all previous albums every two years.

Pavement - Shady Lane

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