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Tricky gets his gun

After a particularly good and somewhat autobiographical "Knowle West Boy", 2008, Tricky returns with a new album and single!
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After a particularly good and somewhat autobiographical "Knowle West Boy", 2008, Tricky returns with a new album and single!

"Mixed Race" comes out in a month on September 27 and has collaborations with Bobby Gillespie (singer of Primal Scream) and Terry Lynn .

The first single from the album is titled "Murder Weapon" and will be released on Monday. Below you can see the official video of the song in which Tricky depicts a boxer. The song as you can tell when you hear it, is a cover of the piece by Jamaican Echo Minott, which was released in 1993. In "Murder Weapon",
Tricky works with Franky Riley.

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