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Solo album for Brett Anderson from Suede

The singer of the Suede, Brett Anderson will release his new solo album "Black Rainbows" on September 26.
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The singer of the Suede, Brett Anderson will release his new solo album the "Black Rainbows" on September 26. The album was completed last January and the first single will be "Brittle Heart" (released on the fifteenth of August).

He said for the new album the following: " The album is restless, noisy and dynamic. Electric guitars, bass, drums and vocals. There are no flute players, no strings, no gimmicks, just passion. "

As you know, Brett Anderson and Suede will appear in the 2310 Festival, on  July 7 in Kaftanzoglio Stadium in Thessaloniki. See more here .

Listen to a live performance of "Brittle Heart "below:

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