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Peter Hook: "New Order without Peter Hook is like Queen without Freddie"

The former bassist of New Order, Peter Hook, answers to the announcement of the reunion of New Order without him. 
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Earlier this month, the reunion of New Order was announced  for two charity events in October. But someone forgot (?) to notify Peter Hook! He heard the news and posted the following response to his official site :

"I first I heard about this on Monday and it has taken me completely by surprise! Everyone knows that NEW ORDER without PETER HOOK is like QUEEN without FREDDIE MERCURY, U2 without THE EDGE, SOOTY without SWEEP!

On a more serious note, I do not understand the decision THE OTHER THREE have taken. I wish they had approached me first. I do not agree with the methods they have used and feel it would have been courteous and professional to have spoken to me in advance of the announcements. It is very sad."

Of course, the former bassist of New Order had ruled out any cooperation with the other members, culminating in his statement in July, when he called the singer of the band Bernard Sumner "twat".

The other members, however, will work for charitable events in Brussels and Paris.  Tom Chapman, from
Sumner's band, Bad Lieutenant, will replace Peter Hook.

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